We are currently in communication with three different communities throughout Kenya. Each one of these communities has a piece of the vision God has placed on our hearts. As of right now we are planning a vision trip for early next year where we plan to visit each location to learn more about their ministry, location and to see how God speaks to our hearts. We kindly ask that you join us in prayer as we prepare for this trip. We are asking that God prepares our heart for the location where He plans to use us, that God would give a peace to the individuals that we will be meeting and for clarity on both parties, that our employers will find favor on us as we are seeking to take a few weeks off of work, and that financially we will be stable enough as we are seeking to support ourselves for this trip. We know that there are still a few months before go, but we want to make sure it is led by God and His guidance is upon it.
The sending agency is currently going through our applications and learning from our references. We are spending more time learning about cross-cultural ministry and all that it may entail. To make life easier when we arrive, we are trying to learn more Swahili. By the way, if you know of a program or class to aid in this we would greatly appreciate it! These different aspects of preparation keep us excited for what is to come.
I know this post is a little shorter than usual, but currently we are in a time of prayer and preparation. We thank you all again for joining us on this journey as things are starting to move forward!