Emma turned
2 years old yesterday! I still cannot believe how fast time has flown by. She
has grown into such a sweet, caring little girl who loves life and exploring
all it has to offer. She is talking up a storm and putting more sentences
together each day. She loves to be the center of attention which, can you blame
her, she is an only child…at least for now J
We are excited to share...Emma is being promoted to BIG SISTER December 2016! We are all excited for the Fogleman Tribe to grow!
This past
month was full of fun! We traveled back to the States for Uncle Kurt and Aunt
Annie’s wedding in Colorado where Emma got to be a flower girl. She greatly
enjoyed her flower girl duty, especially getting to eat the chocolate cake and
play with all the balloons. Funny story: Before the ceremony started, she kept
using her little bouquet to sweep the steps outside the church….It was a little
obvious she has been living in Africa J
We took a
trip to Myrtle Beach, SC where Emma got to swim in the ocean for the first
time. She loved it and kept wanting to go back in and jump in the waves. Even
now she asked to put on her ‘bating uut’ to go swim.
Emma fell in
love with Doritos during this trip but didn’t like how the cheese would get on
her fingers so she would ask you to feed them to her.
Her new
favorite phrase is ‘Emma can do it!’ She loves to try and do things herself
without help.
While in
Oklahoma we had chocolate cake at my parent’s house. When we got back to Kenya, Emma kept asking
for chocolate cake to which I explained to her that ALL chocolate cake lives at
GiGi and Pap’s house. So now she just ask to go there and eat cake.
She is still
rockin’ her ABCs but can’t quit grasp ‘LMNOP’
Emma loves
Anytime we
ask Emma what she wants to name the baby she says ‘Blue’
When Emma
pronounces a word with an ‘L’ in it she draws it out. For example, blocks is ‘baalllooocks’
and sleep is ‘saalllllleeeep’
Emma asked
for a bath tub for her birthday.
When we
asked her how old she was she said ‘6!’ Not quite yet kiddo….not quite.
Fun Things We Did This Month:
Emma learned
to ride a tricycle at her cousin’s house and LOVED it!
We visited
the Great Salt Plains in Oklahoma with family.
Emma enjoyed digging in the salt and jumping in muddy puddles like Peppa
Emma got to
play with all of her cousins from both sides of the family while we were back
in the States. She had fun with Zari in Colorado swimming in the hotel pool and
had fun with Ian, Noah, and Eli in Oklahoma running around GiGi’s backyard,
jumping in muddy puddles, and playing with all of their toys.
We got to
celebrate Emma’s birthday all month long and had parties with both sides of the
family which was extra special.
Tot School May/June:
Tot School
was pretty much non-existent for this last month. At least an organized sit
down class was. We did have fun learning about the ocean, sea shells, seeing
the mountains in CO, and always working on counting, shapes, colors, and ABCs.
Fun Photos From This Month: