Our baby
girl is turning into more of a big girl nowadays! Here are some fun highlights
from this month J
-Emma is now using much longer sentences. I am pretty sure she tries to put in as many
words as she can…
-Emma can
now get up on the potty, get off the potty, and flush all by herself!
-She likes
to play a game where she will say “momma, look it’s a bird!” (M) “Oh, a bird?”
(E) “Nope, not a bird”, “momma look it’s a cat” (M) “Oh, a cat!” (E) “Nope, not
a cat.” This goes on for about 15 mins.
-Emma still
loves helping in the kitchen. She has helped her GiGi (Kenzi’s mom) make
pumpkin pancakes, cakes, and cinnamon rolls. Her favorite part is mixing J
has a song in her heart and loves to perform for people. She also makes sure
her audience claps for her at the end J
-She has
been learning more how to put puzzles together. They are still a little hard
for her but she is getting the hang of it.
-She loves
to jump on anything and everything, mattresses, pillows, etc.
-Emma is now
wearing 5T clothes! 4T fits her perfectly, 5T gives her a little room to grow….hoping
these clothes last more than 3 months! #TallGirlProblems
-Emma loves
animals! Big or small, she thinks they all want to be her friend.
-Since being
in Oklahoma, Emma has been able to spend lots of time with her cousins. It has been super fun to see her play with
them and see all of them use their imagination when playing.
-Emma loves
celebrating birthdays. This past week we got to celebrate Kenzi's mother's birthday and
one of Kenzi's best friend's birthday. We also had a baby shower for baby boy which we
described to Emma as a birthday party for her brother. We said since we don’t
know the day he will be born we are having a party for him and we get to open
all his presents. She thought that was fun J
-She is
still a huge fan of books! She will sit for longer books now which is fun. Her GiGi has made sure she has lots of books from the library to enjoy.
-She loves
to talk to people about her baby brother and will point to my belly so everyone
knows where he is.
-We were
driving past some cow pastures in Ok and Emma ‘’asked” the cows if they wanted
to drink coke or water. According to Emma, they chose coke.
-We ordered
Pizza on the phone one day and had it delivered. Emma thought it was super cool
and would pretend to call the Pizza guys on her pink phone and then would open
the door when they were supposedly here.
-Emma has been a bit spoiled at GiGi and Pap's house. She loves getting in their bed in the evening and watching cartoons. She also gets a few M&Ms from my mom when she goes in there.
-Emma is obsessed with Christmas Trees! Her face lights up every time she sees one :)
Fun Things We Did This Month:
-We flew to
Oklahoma! This was the first time we only needed two long flights. Normally its
takes 3-4 flights for us to get to Oklahoma. Emma did awesome on the flights!
She slept pretty much all of the first flight.
The second flight she enjoyed watching lots of movies and eating the
food, especially the ice cream J
-We have
been speaking at a lot of churches since we arrived in OK. At the first church
we spoke at, we were all still adjusting to the time difference. After the
service, Emma almost fell asleep on the carpet in the foyer.
-Since being
in town, we have been to two baby showers, two birthday parties, and about 5
different parks. Emma loves going down the big slides and thinks the climbing
walls at the park are pretty cool.
Tot School (Oct.-Nov. 2016):
-We have
slacked off a lot with Tot School. With prepping to leave, flying to the
States, and a crazy speaking schedule, we have not kept up with our routine.
But we are still working on letter recognition, putting puzzles together,
sharing toys, and expanding imaginations!
Fun Pictures From This Month: