Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Emma Hadassah 2 Years 8 Months

Emma talks so well nowadays. She really enjoys saying as many words as possible to describe something or to tell you something.  She tells us stories and her imagination is growing every day.

Emma loves to shower her brother with hugs and kisses. We have had to teach her boundaries with her brother and she is not the biggest fan of them. She thinks he always wants her to kiss and hug him.

Emma got a cold soon after we arrived back in Kenya which made it more difficult for her to sleep.  After about a week, she finally started to sleep through the night again which meant we got more sleep J

She greatly enjoyed seeing all her friends at church.  They all loved touching her hair since it has grown so much.

When we first arrived back at our house we kept the back door open to let the sun shine in.  Emma said “Ahh, my eyes! We need to shut the door! It’s too sunny!” I guess she was used to the cloudy/winter weather back in the states J

Emma loves to play Go Fish.

She was happy to be reunited with her pool.

Emma has become a very picky eater. We are in the process of her learning when we make something for dinner that is what is for dinner.  The joys of parenting a toddler J

The other day she told me she was going to eat healthy and teach her animals and friends to eat healthy.  Once dinner was ready (chicken and veggies) she said she did not want to eat the food. I told her it was healthy food and that she said she only wanted to eat healthy food.  Her response, “Oh, well, I can just eat my goldfish.”

For some reason she hates taking a bath because she does not like getting her hair washed. I am not sure when this fear arose because she used to love taking a bath…

Emma is a big helper.  She likes to help cook meals, get things for her brother, and help with laundry.

She would live in her jammies if we let her.

The other day she was playing on a playground singing “How Far I’ll Go” from the new movie Moana at the top of her lungs. She did not care at all that there were probably 6 other families around watching her.  

Emma has a fear of flies. It’s quite funny.  One day I will try to get her reaction on camera.

Emma has started working out with me again.  She takes a water break about every 2 minutes J

There are several times Emma has said something and I try to remind myself to write it down but never do.  She is quite witty and has a super fun personality.  She loves to play pretend, sing, have dance parties, read books, eat goldfish, and play in the water. 

Fun Things We Did This Month:

We flew back to Kenya as a family of four and Emma was awesome on both of the 9 hour flights. She was very content watching movies and playing the games.

We got to stay with our friends Sonia and Sonji while in Nairobi one night. Emma loves to visit their house.  She got to try deviled eggs for the first time and loved them!

Fun Pictures From The Month:











Tuesday, February 14, 2017

William John 2 Months

Happy 2 Months to our little man cub. This month has flown by….I think due to lack of sleep J One super exciting first, Will got to go on his first international flight this month! Yup, we are back in Kenya.  Little man rocked the flight and pretty much slept the whole time (praise the Lord!). He was a trooper even when we had to run through London Heathrow Airport to catch our flight to Kenya. 
Will is still a super happy baby, especially in the mornings!  Recently in the afternoons, he has had a bit of a fussy time that last a few hours unless he is able to fall asleep.  I think it is mainly due to a little congestion so hopefully that will go away soon.
Feeding: William is now taking 4oz and eats about every 3-4 hours. We are trying out a new formula with him since the kind we used in the states is not available here.  Seems to be a good fit so far. 
Sleeping: I am so thankful we did not get him on a schedule while we were in the states!  Will takes about 3-4 naps during the day. His morning nap is the shortest right now – around 30-45 mins. Then his other naps are about 1.5 hrs. each. He takes his last feeding at night around 10pm then will sleep until 3-4am when he wakes up for a super early morning snack. He then will go back to sleep and wakes between 6-7am.
Fun Info:
William is smiling a lot more these days! We all love seeing it, Emma especially.  She will sing him songs or give him kisses to try and make him smile.
Will has started to giggle while dreaming. It’s the cutest.
He hates tummy time. But he does love when we hold him up on our shoulder so he can look around.
Will got to go on his first Fogleman family road trip.  We took a trip to Kentucky the end of Jan. He did awesome in the car except for the last hour.  I don’t blame him though, who wants to sit in a carseat for 12+ hours? 
He fits in 0-3 month clothes/onesies and wears a few size 3 month outfits.
William enjoys being outside as long as he is in the shade. He is very alert and likes to look around.
Will got to meet all of our friends at church on Sunday.  It was fun to introduce him to everyone here in Kenya.
He still loves bath time.
William will sleep for hours as long as he is swaddled. Something his sister never liked J
Pics from the month: