currently loves to play with a string and pretend to wrap presents with it then
open it for all of us to see.
When William
is sleeping she will get on to everyone in the house for being too loud. “Mommy,
you need to be quiet. Will is sleeping.”
Emma now
falls asleep on her own during nap time. It is now called ‘Quiet Time’ and she
goes in and falls right to sleep. The first day, I felt like I won the lottery :)
We were
having a few issues with Emma not wanting to eat what was made for dinner. I am
happy to say we have made progress and she more open to eating new things as
long as it’s ‘Emma size.’
Emma still
loves crafts and painting.
She says
perfect, “perfcet!” and she still says hospital “hostible” :)
Emma has
finally gotten to a point that she will let me do her hair in fun ways!
The other
night at dinner Emma wanted to call me a different name. I said “I am your
mommy, so you call me mommy” and she responded with “well, I’m your daughter so
you call me Emma.”
If Will
starts to fuss or cry Emma will ask us to get his paci or give him a bottle.
There is
always a little song in her heart.
During her nap one afternoon I walked passed her room and heard her telling her stuffed animals that Jesus loves them :)
The other
day Emma asked us to get her a trampoline. I have no idea how she learned what
a trampoline is.
We are
working on Emma learning her letters. She really has to be in the mood to want
to do it. I am trying to find more ways to make it more exciting for her.
We have
started to work on some math skills with her. If she ask to eat peanuts we will
take a few and say “Emma, if you have one peanut and you add another peanut how
many do you have?”
Emma loves
to play with my empty oil bottles and pretend to put them on her stuffed
animals and brother.
Emma will
randomly quote movies. For example, while eating dinner the one night she said “guys,
we have to go to Burgeon Town and save our friends!”
She is
learning to say ‘may I please be excused’ at the table.
to be tickled! So much that she will ask you to tickle her.
Emma is
obsessed with her brother. She says they are best friends and thinks it is
super fun to kiss his feet :)
We did our annual Easter Scavenger Hunt and Emma was awesome at it! Anytime we mention Jesus now she is quick to say "He died on the cross and came back to life!" Makes my heart smile every time.