Will is so
so fun these day! He is always smiling and laughing and brings so much joy into
our home! Here are a few fun things from this month!
Will loves
to play with his feet! He has got the happy baby yoga pose down :)
He loves to
watch his sister sing and dance. He just laughs and smiles the whole time.
He is super
Will can
roll from his back to his belly and belly to back.
He really
wants to sit up on his own but hasn’t mastered it yet.
He is
getting curious about food. If he is sitting on one of our laps he tries to
grab what we are eating.
William is
now sleeping all night. It is rare for him to wake up in the middle of the
night nowadays. Some days he does chose to wake up at 5am, but thankfully that
is not everyday.
Will has
fallen in love with one of Emma’s stuffed animals and get all excited when she
bring it out.
He loves to
look at himself in the mirror. For some reason it cracks him up :)
Will is
eating 6oz every 3-4 hours and goes close to 12 hours at night.
He loves to
jump in his jumper especially if someone is watching him.
Will doesn’t
like to be alone. He always wants to be in the middle of all the fun.
He got to go on his first safari which he slept the whole through.
He is a great travel baby and sleeps almost the whole time on road trips.
Will enjoys being outside and when he sees his sister running around playing he gets all wiggly like he wants to join in the fun. I am pretty sure once he can walk, he will be alllllll over the place!
William is
seriously happy all the time. He is a joy to be around and we are so thankful
for him!!