Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Father's Delight

Meet Joy.  She is our cultural-liaison here in Kenya and has become a really good friend of ours. She also works with our partner ministry here and is a ‘mama’ to 15 kiddos!

Joy has been working with a few organizations and orphanages to help the fatherless and vulnerable children in Kenya for several years.  She has a desire to make a difference in the lives of children and help them to have a personal relationship with Jesus.  Over the years Joy has taken in 15 kids who needed a home and family.  I won’t go into much detail to help protect the kids, but it started when God told her that she was to take in one little girl, then for her to become the ‘mama’ for a family of boys that had no place to go, then four more little girls came along, and a few more families after that.  Joy has helped provide a home and a family for these kids.

We first visited The Fathers Delight a few months ago.  Joy took us around and showed us the property where the kids and other caretakers lived. She also shared with us the stories of how each little family came into her life. As she was talking we heard how God had carefully placed each child in her home. It was beautiful.

"God sets the lonely in families" -Psalm 68:6

On Easter Monday, Mark and I decided it would be super fun to have all the kids from The Fathers Delight over for a fun day of pizza and a movie; two things the kids have never experienced.

They were all so well behaved, so quiet, and really enjoyed the pizza! We thought it would be fun to watch The Lion King because, hello, we live in Africa. The kids were glued to the screen until Emma woke up from her nap then she distracted them a little. After the movie, Joy talked with the kids about it. She shared with them how they have a Father who will never leave them and for them to always remember the love He has for them. It was really sweet to watch all of them listen to her.

Later, Emma showed the kids her toys (they really liked her little kid computer J), Mark played some Frisbee with some of the boys, and others played with chalk.  All in all it was such a fun afternoon and we cannot wait for another day to spend with these sweet kids.

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