Saturday, August 13, 2016

Dating Your Spouse without Leaving the House

Before Mark and I moved our little family to Kenya we greatly enjoyed our date nights. It was a time for us to get away without Emma and invest in each other and our marriage. We both knew that going on dates once we moved here was going to be a challenge as we do not have a babysitter and there aren’t really a lot of places we can go here on dates. Regardless of all that, we decided we were going to plan a weekly date night and get creative!

Our date night is generally on Wednesday which also happen to be our family day. We take turns planning the date which makes it fun and exciting as the other does not know what to expect. Our dates start once Emma has gone to bed, somewhere between 8pm-9pm.

We have had a lot of fun planning the activities and being creative. Our dates have included game nights, taking a ‘trip’ to NYC, London, and Greece, and camps-outs. We have done themed dates that were for F.R.I.E.N.D.S., the Divergent series, and St. Patrick ’s Day.  We have had food dates such as ice cream tasting and a wine and cheese night. 


Most of our inspiration for our dates come from It is a great resources for people living abroad who cannot always go out for a date but also great for those who are able to get an evening away. 

While Mark's parents were in town we got to go on our first date in Kenya. They kindly watched Emma so we could celebrate our anniversary. Having the opportunity to go out just the two of us meant more to us than they probably know. We spent the afternoon eating delicious Italian food (that actually stayed warm for the whole meal), holding hands, talking about life, and investing in our marriage. It was an afternoon well spent! 

It's not always easy dating your spouse in another country due to lack of babysitter, restaurants/activities, or the fact that people in your host country do not really date their spouses, but it's 100% worth all the effort!! 

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