It has been so much fun to watch Emma grow lately. Her
personality is coming out more and more each day. Here are some fun highlights
from this past month. Hope you enjoy :)
Emma has started to say more Swahili words. She doesn’t
always know when to say them but it’s cute watching her try. Her favorite words
right now are Kuja (come), Karibu (welcome), Asante (thank you), and Tuonane
(see you).
Emma LOVES to play in the water. Since the days have been
much warmer lately we pulled out her little pool and surprised her one day
after nap. She was over the moon excited and now ask to go swimming every day.
Saturdays are dance day! Emma started taking ballet classes
in Nakuru last week. At her first class she hung out on the side with me and
watched the other kids. Every once in a while she would try and do what the
teacher was doing. I think after she gets use to the other kids and the teacher
she will be prancing all over the house :)
While out in the village one day, Emma enjoyed chasing the
little kids around and pointing out who her mommy and daddy were.
She loves to know peoples full names. She can say her full
name and on occasion calls me, Kenzi and her dad, Mark. She also knows her baby
brothers full name.
Emma woke up one morning yelling “Mark! Mark!” It was cute.
She loves airplanes and points them out in the sky when she
sees them or hears them.
Emma gets super excited when we have visitors over to stay
or just for dinner. She will say “they are coming to see me!”
When Mark goes outside to feed the dogs, Emma runs to her
room, climbs on her bed, and looks out her window. She then yells at the pups
to come see her.
One Sunday, we met with our married couple fellowship group from church at Lake Olbolosat. Emma got to take her first boat ride! She was so excited about it! We went out looking for Hippos, didn't see any, but Emma had a blast on the boat!
While at the lake, Emma would hold her friend Joy like a baby.
We took Emma out to try frozen yogurt for the first time. She especially enjoyed adding all the toppings!
Fun Things We Did
This Month:
This month some TMS staff came to visit us! Emma loved
having Mrs. Shawn here. They would read together, play with her toys, and do
puzzles. Emma was in heaven. It was super sweet. She also got to go and get ice
cream with Mr. Jim!
We went to Nairobi to check up on baby brother earlier this
month. While in town we got to visit with our friends Sonia and Sonji. Emma
loves playing at their house because they have blocks and a monkey doll named Sally who she gets to play with.
We visited Home of the Good Shephard (children’s home with
GGFAN-our Kenyan partner organization) one evening and the kids all sang for
us. Emma thought it was the coolest thing and kept trying to sing with them and
do the hand motions too.
Tot School:
We are back in a routine with Tot School! Emma and I both
have been loving it this month! We are in our third week and she already has
learned her months of the year, can tell you what month we are in, can say the
sounds for the letters A, B, and C, and knows her bible verse. She has loved
the art projects and singing all the songs for the month. Our theme is Apples
and soon we will be making an apple pie together :)
We have been working on counting to 20 and recognizing
alphabet letters. It is so much fun to watch her learn!
*Sorry for no Tot School pics this month! We were having too much fun to grab the camera :)
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