Wednesday, August 5, 2015



 It kept popping up to my attention the past several months. In our Perspectives course, through friends, and at our training in India. Now, when things repeat themselves, it is generally a good idea to pay attention.  So, I decided I would trust the Lord and learn more about it.  

Storying is way for people to experience the Gospel.  It is done through memorizing passages of scripture (stories), sharing the stories with a group (big or small), and letting the Holy Spirit lead the questions and conversation.  All the story teller does is tell the story, ask questions, and help create a time for people to listen to God.  There is no teaching involved just simply asking people to step into the story and see what they think.  It is totally led by the Holy Spirit.  Listening is something else the story teller does. Hearing how people respond gives the story teller a glimpse at their worldview and lets them know how they can pray for that person. It's beautiful. 

I have decided {since the Lord kept bringing it up} to learn the art of Storying and hopefully be able to put it into practice while we are in Kenya.  

The thing about stories is that they go with people.  Everyone remembers stories. It even provides an opportunity for those who cannot read or write to experience God's Word and be able to share it with their family and friends. My thought is if I can share these stories with the children we will be working with, these stories might go with them for the rest of their lives.  Who knows, it may even have a small impact on their families many generations from now.  

We never know what seed we might be able to plant and how the Lord may choose to grow it.  All we can do is simply trust the Lord and follow where He leads us.  


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