Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Emma Hadassah 2 Years 7 Months

This month has been especially fun since we got to see Emma in more of a big sister role. She has proudly taken on her new role and is very excited each time she gets to hold her brother or feed him. It has been super sweet to watch the start of their relationship. Here are some more fun things from this month J

Emma has her first imaginary friend named ‘Sarah.’  She loves to boss around her new friend. It’s quite humorous.

Emma is obsessed with her baby brother's little ears. In her own words…”mom, look at his tiny ears! They are so wittle and cute!”

Emma would brush her teeth 1,000 times a day if we let her.

She got a new swimsuit and wore it around the house once we got home.

Depending on her mood she likes to be called ‘Princess Emma’ or ‘Queen Elsa.’

Emma is always singing. Especially if there is a mirror she can see herself in or if she notices she has an audience.

We are working on not whining and talking like a big girl. If anyone has advice about this we would greatly appreciate it J

According to Emma, to be a big kid, you have to be able to swing and slide at the park.

We never have to introduce ourselves, Emma does a great job at sharing “this is mommy, this is daddy, I am Emma, and this is baby Will.”

Emma still loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc. McStuffins.

Aunt Annie and Uncle Kurt came to visit.  Emma got to go golfing for the first time at Top Golf while they were in town.  She now ask to go back so she can practice her ‘goofing’ J

Emma learned how to climb up the rock wall at the park! Yay!

Emma is a little obsessed with PJ Masks. So much that she pretends to be all three of the characters.  She will chase you around the house with her super cat speed, then blow you away with her owl wind, and pick you up with her gecko muscles.  If you just read this and have no idea what I am talking about, be thankful.

Emma has been awesome in this whole transition of family of 3 to family of 4.  She has been super helpful with her brother and for the most part understanding when her parents need to feed her brother, change him, or put him to sleep. 

Fun Pictures from the Month:





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